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Monday, November 4, 2013

Boost Your Weight Loss Efforts With the Right Support Systems - Part 2

In part 1 of this article we looked at some of ways that those close to you can create negative feelings around your dieting and weight loss efforts, and how to avoid being affected by them. In this second part, we'll talk about how to ensure that you are getting plenty of positive support to see you through the inevitable hard times that you'll encounter when dieting.

One great way is to find a diet partner around you. Whether it's a partner or someone in your household, a friend, a relative, a co-worker or someone from your gym, starting and following a diet with someone else always makes it much easier. It gives you someone to lean on when you have a sudden craving for your favorite junk food, someone to discuss the details of the particular diet with, and it also makes you feel like you don't want to let the other person down by breaking the diet.

Another way is simply to look in the local paper or to ask around, and you'll often find that there are weight loss support groups in your area who meet regularly. You might find this idea a little strange, but support groups really do work and you might find that having people to talk to about your weight loss and dieting issues, and also listening to the problems that others have, can be a big inspiration in getting through the hard times.

Finally, you can always find support online in the form of forums and other support groups. While online support is somewhat less effective than real-life support, the big advantage to it is that it's always available whenever you need it, even at 3am when all you want to do is take that last chocolate donut from its box. A quick search will reveal many weight loss support groups, so scan through them until you find one or more that you think you'll like, and join in some conversations.

No matter how easy or hard you typically find dieting, everyone can use some support when facing difficulties. Having another person or a group of people around you who understand what you're going through and will help you pull through it can be invaluable, and can truly make a big difference to the success of your weight loss efforts.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Christian Weight Loss Scripture - Pray Often

A deeper relationship with God is the path to greater wisdom, planning ability, and faith. To deepen your relationship with him, you must take time to connect with him each day. In this Christian weight loss scripture, God gives a promise concerning healing:

2 Chronicles 7:14: "If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."

According to Barna Research, LTD, the average adult and child spends 3 hours in front of the television each day. In contrast, they spend only 3 minutes in prayer. Which of these influences do you think will ultimately lead you to success?

Just as a soldier in combat must have a general who orders his steps, you must also ask God to order your steps. A vibrant prayer life brings peace to the soul and purpose to everything that you do. In addition, it can have a real effect on your body: a University of Arizona study showed that regular spiritual practices like prayer can ultimately impact the body's ability to lose fat by lowering stress hormone levels that contribute to fat storage.

So prayer benefits you spiritually, emotionally, and physically. So take time every morning to spend time in prayer. One thing especially that will help you in your weight loss goals is to ask God not to lead you into temptation. Since Jesus included that request in the Lord's prayer, it is a wise thing to ask for.

Think about how you can begin to build a solid prayer life. The investment in time you make regarding your relationship with God will pay off in incredible benefits.

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How I Stumbled Across the Only Weight Loss Training Program You Will Ever Need

If you are reading this, you are likely in the same position I was a few short months ago. You see, I was looking for a weight loss training program that was something special.

I was looking for a powerful and comprehensive source of information that I could use. I was searching for an authoritative text that could take me to an excellent fitness level and a single digit body fat percentage.

Of course, I read the forums and visited many websites looking for an answer. This only lead to confusion. In order to get the spectacular results I wanted, it seemed that I would need to lose weight and build muscle mass.

That is contradictory, at best. In other words, I would need to to both lose weight and gain weight. Obviously, I needed to adjust my thinking.

How was I able to finally resolve this contradiction? The answer came from an article by Tom Venuto. If you are not familiar with Tom, he is the acclaimed fitness trainer of many successful fitness models and natural bodybuilders.

It turns out that a small change in perspective made all of the difference for me. Instead of trying to just lose weight, which would necessarily include losing some muscle mass, I needed to focus on trimming fat while building muscle. Losing body fat and not just weight, that was the adjustment that got me going.

This simple change in focus really got me going on my road to single digit fat levels as well as a level of peak fitness I never could have imagined before.

It is amazing how one small adjustment in our thinking can make such a difference. This one small insight has opened my eyes to a whole new perspective when it comes to permanently burning away fat and achieving peak fitness.

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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Weight Loss Technique Video

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3 Types Of Foods You Need To Avoid In Your Weight Loss Meal Plan

If you want to lose weight, you need to have a weight loss meal plan. Losing weight and excess fat is 80 percent diet and 20 percent exercise. You need to have a solid weight loss meal plan and a workout regime in order to lose the excess weight and achieve the body of your dream.

Most people did not put in much effort into planning their meals and that is why they fail to achieve their desired body. But fear not, you will not be one of them if you are reading this now.

1) Processed Foods

Many of us are ignorant about the how processed food can destroy our goals of achieving our desired body. Some examples of processed foods are white bread, pasta, cereals etc. These foods can cause our blood sugar level to fluctuate and it can lead to cravings and hunger pangs. As a result, you will eat more than usual in your meals and gain weight.

Instead of eating processed food, try to include more natural food in your diet. Some examples will be vegetables, nuts, seeds and fruits.

2) Soft Drinks

You need to stay away from soft drinks if you want to lose the excess fat from your body. Soft drinks or carbonated drinks contain high amount of refined sugar that can cause weight gain and fluctuations in blood sugar level.

The refined sugar in the drinks also has the same harmful effect as processed food.

3) Dairy Products

Most of us thought that milk is healthy for our body and it is highly recommended by the experts. However, do you know that human is the only species that still drinks milk even when we are in adulthood?

Cow's milk also contains hormones and other chemicals that are injected into them. These are harmful for our overall health and milk are meant for calves, not human.

Cow's milk contains too many fats for our body consumption and it can only lead to obesity if you drink it regularly.

To lose weight and excess fat, you need to have a good exercise regime and an excellent weight loss meal plan that you will follow. Avoiding these 3 types of food is the key to your success.

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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Hoodia Gordonii - Effective Weight Loss Method

If you struggle with weight loss, worry no more since there is hope in the form of a natural supplement. It goes by the name of Hoodia Gordonii, and it is an extremely effective method for weight loss

This all-natural supplement is being used by everybody from Hollywood actors and actresses to everyday housewives all over the country.

Hoodia gordonii is the official name of a plant similar to a cactus which is found in the Kalahari Desert of South Africa.

The plant is not easily found there, because it is difficult to grow and hard to collect. It has been a favorite of the natives of South Africa for centuries. It was and still is consumed by hunters in to lessen their feelings of hunger and thirst.

This cactus-like plant is used as an emergency source of nourishment in the extreme conditions of the region; they eat this plant by taking off the skin and pointy ridges. Hoodia has an all-natural appetite suppressant which makes humans feel as if they are not hungry even thought they might be starving.

Because of this fact it began to be used as a weight loss product. A lot of dieters are using hoodia gordonii with no negative side effects as with other supplement which make you feel nervous or jittery. This natural supplement does not have stimulants.

You can get this supplement in both tablet and liquid form. You could mix the liquid form in your juice if you prefer. In addition to the weight loss benefits, it also has calcium, anti-oxidants and fiber which your body also needs.

Since this plant is somewhat difficult to plant and collect, the price is a little higher than some other supplements. But because it gets results quickly and is so effective it is well worth the cost.

P57 is the active ingredient in Hoodia and is only present in the Hoodia Gordonii plant.

This plant can curb your appetite like no other natural supplement can. In addition it is much safer and free of the bad side effects of prescription weight loss drugs.

So if you want to rapidly and effectively shed some pounds, get some hoodia gordonii and be sure to follow directions to see the results you have been searching for.

To save both time and money, great deals can be found online which are often much cheaper than store prices.

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Best Online Weight Loss Program - Lose 6-8lbs in 10 Days Flat

A new diet loss plan and program for weight loss will enable you to lose 6-9lbs inside of 14days. The efficient and most reliable fat burner diet plan is designed to reduce your pounds of fat without missing on your meals. Infact, you get to eat four meals a day and yet shed pounds of weight through harnessing your body's metabolism rate.

The best healthy weight loss programs should be able to prescribe a diet that does not deny your body of essential body nutrients. If you are looking to buy best weight loss program, you will need to find the most natural and healthy diet plans. Complete avoidance of some or all food types is surely not a healthy way to do this.

I have heard of a program out there that tells you to eat four meals a day and yet lose weight. The best weight loss program for people over 40-50 years has to include essential foods. Kids too might not be able to go on hunger strike in the name of loosing weight.

Most of the fitness free loss weight programs will work with your body's metabolism to increase the rate such that it also burns additional fats in addition to the ugly fat on the belly, back, thighs and sides.

Simply the best method to lose weight naturally is by calorie shifting technique as opposed to completely avoiding carbs or tedious food calorie calculations. This method significantly reduces the importance of physical activity in weight loss program.

Fact: Loosing weight is really not a food issue, it's about learning how to work your metabolism to burn fat at a faster rate than a red hot furnace. The ability to turn the process on and off when you need it and getting to eat without a care in this world knowing too well all you need to do is turn the burners on-naturally.

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